In-house MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES provide skill, accuracy and cost control
Chapman Corporation's Maintenance and Construction Services are a viable solution in meeting industry's need for a cost-effective approach to maintaining a plant on a regular basis.
Through this program we are able to save money for the customer. As an in-house maintenance and construction manager, you are assured that we are looking out for your best interests in controlling costs.
Maintenance and Construction Services

The advantages of implementing Chapman's Maintenance and Construction Services:
Vast amounts of dollars in time (and ensuing manpower) can be saved in conveying information from the spec and scope stages through construction to numerous contractors because there would be less steps involved in communication between Corporate Plant and Contractor.
An Improved level of accuracy in scope detail which reduces the number of change orders to the original request
Chapman’s full staff of Engineers, Designers and Technicians are available to support on any type of maintenance project.
Manpower and internal departmental costs associated with estimating can be reduced through Chapman’s estimating capabilities to assist with creating budgets for projects on a timely basis.
The ability to quickly mobilize trained craftsmen on an 'as needed' basis according to manpower requirements without restriction to length of employment.
Fixed overhead at plant levels can be reduced through attrition for those personnel associated with maintenance and construction.
Plants can increase/decrease manpower for specific highly specialized trades. There is no need to retain certain trade groups that are not necessarily required full-time.

Union-Industrial Contractor specializing in Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and HVAC Construction Services